Chalk Talk

Where Sales Teams Turn for Better Sales Tactics

Welcome to "Chalk Talk," Dave's blog geared towards helping your sales team close more sales with better prospects. Want Chalk Talk in your inbox? Sign up below!

The Twelve Days of Selling

By Dave Tear | December 18, 2023

Props, again, to Christy Seitz for this idea – The Twelve Days of Selling. Thank Christy for this one if you like it. If not… it’s all on me. On the first day of Christmas, my sales coach said to me get to reality. On the second day of Christmas, my sales coach said to […]

It’s the Holidays

By Dave Tear | December 4, 2023

It’s the Holidays, I’m a Salesperson… Nobody Wants to Hear from Me.   5 Reasons That is Total B.S.! What would the holiday season be without the “It’s the Holidays blog…? It’s that time of year. Time for a reality check.  How many salespeople do you know that go on cruise control between Thanksgiving & New […]

Prospects Really Don’t Care About You (& that does not make them bad people)

By Dave Tear | November 27, 2023

Ever been to a college football game where the public address announcer announces a player from the other team & the fans scream at the top of their lungs, W H O C A R E S ? It’s very well-orchestrated & impressive! At times the PA announcer will announce an opponent who made a […]

 3 Ways to Make Sure you are Selling to the Decision Maker(s)

By Dave Tear | November 8, 2023

Have you ever spent two, three, six (or more) months working on a deal? You have momentum. Everything seems to be going well. Your solution is perfect. Your contact returns your calls. She replies to your emails. She meets with you when you are at his office. She even goes to lunch with you, as […]

No More Quote and Hope

By Dave Tear | October 25, 2023

“Quote & Hope” is a Brutal Strategy for Selling Do you get paid for the number of quotes you generate? Didn’t think so. Then why do you generate so many?  Obviously, if you didn’t quote, your prospects & customers wouldn’t know what they are buying. The question was rhetorical. A better question would be, Why […]

School of Hard Knocks

By Dave Tear | October 10, 2023

A Career in Sales: What They Don’t Teach You in School You’ve heard of the “school of hard knocks”: The (sometimes painful) education you get from life’s usually negative experiences, often contrasted with formal education. It’s reality. It’s when your mom & dad used to say, “Welcome to the real world.” There are few professions […]

People buy from people they are comfortable with

By Dave Tear | September 25, 2023

Our Job in Sales: To Help Our Prospects & Customers be Comfortable With Us We say it often; People buy from people they are comfortable with. It’s pretty hard to argue that. I’m sure we’ve all bought something from someone we weren’t completely comfortable with. Maybe they had it & we needed it – immediately. […]

You Can’t Coach Heart

By Dave Tear | September 11, 2023

It’s here! Football season. We’re in week #3 of NCAA action & last night finished up week #1 of NFL play. A great time of year. My favorite is NCAA. ESPN’s College Game Day, Saturday afternoon games, Top 25 showdowns, tailgate parties, the UM/MSU rivalry & consequential “trash-talking” – it’s all fantastic! Is there anything […]

8 Ways to Stand Out & be Compelling

By Dave Tear | August 28, 2023

Charisma is hard to define – but when someone has it, it’s obvious. Charismatic salespeople have a huge advantage over their competition. Prospects are far more likely to engage with them, respect their guidance & listen to them.  One of the easiest ways to stand out & be more charismatic is to change your vocabulary. […]

7 Ways to Improve Self Discipline

By Dave Tear | August 14, 2023

It’s not easy. Becoming a master of self-discipline is tough. The good news is that although it sometimes seems as if you have no control when it comes to certain aspects of your life, really you do. You just might not know it yet.Self-discipline is one of those things that requires ongoing work. Ongoing practice. […]