Can We Bring the Fun Back to Selling?


Attention readers: This IS NOT a piece on positive mental attitude. We all have good days and bad days. This is only to suggest that, given the choice, most people would prefer to surround themselves with positive and charismatic people.

Thanks to the salespeople and sales leaders out there taking a little time to read on New Year’s Eve, 2024. Can I ask you a question? Do you love what you do for a living? Really love it?

For those that do, congratulations! That is a great accomplishment. Consider yourself fortunate. Have you ever done the math on how much time you spend working, selling, meeting, prospecting, problem-solving, etc.? We spend so much time in our careers it would be a miserable existence to not enjoy it. For many of us it’s more time than we spend with our families. It’s almost always more time than we spend sleeping. OK . . . in three words – IT’S A LOT!

If you want to strengthen your commitment and continue to feel great about what you do, keep reading. By all means, keep reading.

This blog goes out to the rest of the salespeople and sales leaders. The ones that don’t love what they do for a living.
It takes a lot to surprise me anymore, but I am continually taken back by the number of people in the sales profession that don’t love it, don’t like it and some that can’t even stand it. Equally as unfortunate.

We could list all the reasons salespeople and sales leaders are not in love with their careers – but you already know why (quotas, internal meetings, unruly customers, the rejection, the haggling, the groveling, the pandering) – we get it. Those that love their jobs experience all of those things too. Just as much as you do.

The difference is – and we say this often – the 6 inches between your ears. Your attitude. Your outlook. Your disposition. Some people roam around this life with a “glass-is-half-empty” attitude. Others know that thing is half full. How do they do it? They realize they have 2 options. Two choices. And they pick the one that keeps them going – the one that inspires and motivates them. The concept is simple – but that doesn’t mean the execution is easy.

Given the choice, who would you want to spend your time with? The negative Nancy or Norm or the Positive Paula or Parker? Silly question.

We all know the constant complainers. They bitch, piss and moan about everything. It’s exhausting. Constant complaining about the customer, supply chain, production, accounting, HR, management, the economy, gas prices, their Association Dues, concert tickets, Door Dash delivery fees, and on, and on, and on.

If we hear one more person complain that their company is “going back to the office” we’re going to lose it. “Do you know how far I have to drive – one way – to and from the office? It’s ridiculous. It’s just stupid!”

News Flash: For most people it is THE EXACT SAME drive they had before the Pandemic rocked our world 4 years ago. Consider yourself fortunate that you were able to save the time and gas over the past few years. Companies make the decision where people work for very good reasons. Save your energy.

Now, it’s not everyone that complains. Not all people mind going “back to the office.” Some people keep their complaints to themselves – or better yet don’t ever think about complaining. You all know a Paula and a Parker.

Let’s list some things that Positive Paula and Parker do. Some ways that Paula and Parker think.

  • Paula and Parker know the “occupational hazards” of their career and they accept them:
    • Rejection. They get used to it because if they didn’t their spirits would be crushed . . . daily
    • Quotas. Everyone has quotas. It’s part of the sales game
    • Supply chain. Can you name one company that isn’t struggling with supply chain? Get over it
    • Internal meetings. Every company has them. Help your company make them shorter and fun
    • Unruly customers. People are people. Paula and Parker understand personality flaws (it’s business)
    • Haggling/negotiating. Here’s an idea: Get good at negotiating – it’s a skill that can be developed
    • Groveling & pandering. Paula and Parker don’t do this. They know they don’t need to. They are true to themselves and it is both appropriate and professional
  • Paula and Parker know how to stay motivated and keep their work life as enjoyable as possible
    • Set goals, write ‘em down and keep them where you can see them
    • Listen to a great comedian or your favorite song on the way to and from work and before important meetings/sales calls (it is impossible to be in a bad mood after you listen to Sebastian Maniscalco talk about his childhood!)
    • Not into comedy? How about listening to Lil Boo Thang by Paul Russel? (try not to shake what ya mama gave ya, and smile!)
    • Congratulate yourself every night. Everyone does at least one cool/good thing in a day – be proud
    • Never, ever forget that humor plays in business (not class clown goofiness – good humor)
    • WWPD – What would Paula/Parker do?
    • Laugh
    • Laugh some more
    • Keep on laughing

We work way too much to not have fun while doing it. Let’s make 2025 the year of having fun at work!

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Dave Tear

Dave is passionate about selling & helping others understand the sales process. Whether a client company has a 5 person sales team or a 300 person National sales force, Dave can Coach & Train them to be the best in their industry.
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