Where Sales Teams Turn for Better Sales Tactics
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Don’t Be “That Guy or Gal”
It’s interesting what you talk about when clients call for “Help Desk” Sales Coaching (as we refer to it). Talked to Gary, a client-turned-friend, a few days ago, & he had a zinger. A great idea that could help everyone reading this blog. Now, don’t stop reading because Gary happens to be in the insurance […]
The “Real Lessons” in These Sales Movies
A couple of classics, no doubt! Tommy Boy, the all-out goofy comedy, keeps you laughing from start to finish (what movie starring Chris Farley doesn’t?) Glengarry Glen Ross takes you on a different kind of ride. Star-studded for sure, this dark drama draws you in & has you feeling for all of the characters in […]
Why Do They String Us Along?
Charlie Sheen made a name for himself a few years ago when he went on TV, radio & social media, whenever he could, shouting the word, WINNING! Everyone remembers it. It got tiring. Almost as tiring as what your prospects & customers do to you. They make you think (& sometimes even say)…WAITING! This is […]
Why Do We Give It All Away?
It was introduction time at a client meeting on the West Coast, mid-February. The Executive Vice President was introducing me to the staff at the beginning of a two-day training program. He had been through the Sales Coaches’ Corner training & coaching, so he had a good idea how to speak to his team – […]
Sports & Sales: Same Game
It’s NCAA Final Four week. Baseball has started & the NHL & NBA Playoffs are right around the corner. How timely! Athletes will be in action for sure! Can’t tell you how many clients we have that make it a point, & go out of their way, to hire athletes for their sales teams. If […]
Got a Closing Problem? Doubt it. Look at your Opening
As sales trainers & coaches you can imagine the number of times we hear a VP of Sales say, “We need help Closing more business.” Or a Director of Sales asks, “Can you help us with our closing?” It’s common. In the words of Arnold in Kindergarten Cop, “IT’S NOT A CLOSING PROBLEM!” After spending […]
Top 10 Things Salespeople Say They Can’t Do – says them. . .
Most of you have seen or heard the famous quote from Henry Ford: Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. It’s a doozy! Once you think it through it makes all the sense in the world. “That’s right! I can do anything I put my mind to. I got this!” It’s good. […]
3 Ways to Make Sure you are Selling to the Decision Maker(s)
Have you ever spent two, three, six (or more) months working on a deal? You have momentum. Everything seems to be going well. Your solution is perfect. Your contact returns your calls. He replies to your emails. He meets with you when you are at his office. He even goes to lunch with you, […]
Prospecting? I Don’t Wanna do That!
Show me a salesperson who loves to prospect & I’ll show you a salesperson that’s never done it. Face it: If someone told you your job was to call or email people who you don’t know… that didn’t want to talk to you … about something they didn’t want to buy […]
How was 2018? You Only Have Yourself to Thank . . . or Blame
Sales. How can you not love sales? One of very few professions where you sit back, look at the past year, feel great about a great year (or crappy about a crappy year) & have nobody else to thank (or blame) but yourself. Sure, you had help. You have products & services. Yes, there is […]