Where Sales Teams Turn for Better Sales Tactics
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In Sales Throw ‘em a Change Up
MLB playoffs are in full swing, so let’s talk about change-ups. Prospects are always waiting to crush your sales pitch – so don’t give them one. Change it up. Every salescall you go on can really be an ambush in disguise. Current clients & prospects that you visit know exactly why you are coming – they know […]
Prospecting? Why we talkin’ ‘bout prospecting?
Most of you will remember the Alan Iverson rant (May 7, 2002) after the Celtics bounced the 76ers from the 1stround of the playoffs. He said the word “practice” 24 ½ times in a 2 minute span. It made Press Conference History. To a hockey guy that was one of the funniest moments ever in […]
Sales is NO PLACE for Shortcuts!
One of the most common characteristics of successful salespeople = impatience. Show me a patient salesperson & I’ll show you a salesperson with skinny kids! Most want to rush, get as much done as possible & move on to the next deal. Their mantra is more, more, more. Pretty normal. The great ones are decisive, […]
Are You a Cruise Director or a Salesperson?
Where do “nice guys” usually finish? Yep. Last. What do “nice salespeople” usually do? They chat. They talk about easy subjects. They smile a lot. They say “yes” a lot. Think of that overly-nice salesperson. That constantly up-beat guy, ridiculously positive & over-the-top with his willingness to accommodate. The gal that continuously says YES, smiles […]
The “I’s” DO NOT Have It!
Do you ever watch an interview on TV & count the times the interviewee says the word “I”? Fun game to play. Worse, do you ever find yourself in a conversation with someone that can’t resist the word? It’s exhausting. This image sums it up pretty nicely. In 2015, the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley […]
For the Money
One of the most important things we do (as Sales Trainers & Coaches) is to determine what motivates our clients. Sometimes that’s easy to do – other times, not so much. The question is an easy one to ask: “Why are you in sales?” The hard part (for some salespeople) are the answers we have heard: […]
If You Don’t Know Your Prospect’s/Customer’s Process, Good Luck!
How many times in the last 18 to 24 months have you been involved in an opportunity (a pretty good one), just like the last few with that customer. You got the call or the email from the customer about the project (the Binford 5,000 Project). You met with your contact(s), qualified […]
Rest on Your Laurels? Not in 2019
When things are going well. Your clients & customers are happy, everything is on auto pilot, that’s great. The sale has been made & the orders are coming in. Ahhh, time to relax, right? If only it were that easy. In the sales world, it’s never that easy – never time to relax. Matter of […]
Motivation: Don’t Wait for your Boss to Do It
Could Zig Ziglar have said it any better? Not a chance. He nailed it with this one. Maybe he could have said “showering” instead of bathing (who takes baths anymore)? Still a great quote. Daily. Key word there. Motivation is a daily chore. Like house chores. Take a day off from motivation & your house […]
If They’re Not Talking, They’re Not Buying
The title says it all! How many times have you met with your prospect (engineering, quality, purchasing, etc.) spent hours crafting a perfect solution, spent even more hours preparing a detailed quote, met with them again, submitted the quote, followed up, & then… nothing. They go radio silent. You know radio silent: that period during […]