Are You a Champion in Sales?


Think of some of the most successful self-made people you have ever known. Doesn’t matter what they do. Doesn’t matter what they did. They could be athletes, could have been business owners, could be investors, could have been celebrities, could be salespeople, could have been artists. Doesn’t matter. What does matter is the term self-made.

We’ll call these people Champions in their field. That’s what they are. Winners.

These winners (know them or not) all have some characteristics in common. These characteristics make them what they are. These characteristics separate them from others in their field. You know what we’re talking about here. She has incredible (fill in the blank)! He has got amazing (fill in the blank)!

Let’s fill in some blanks. Following is a solid list of 20 characteristics that Champions possess. Remember, not just athletes. Businesspeople too. Salespeople for sure. Take a self-assessment & see where you stand for each of the characteristics. Be honest with yourself (it’s your assessment). Give yourself a 1-5 rating (1 = needs a lot of improvement up to 5 = you own that characteristic).

1.  Curious
2.  Goal oriented
3.  Intelligent
4.  Desire
5.  Assertive
6.  Dedicated
7.  Emotional intelligence
8.  Resourceful
9.  Self-motivated
10.  Optimistic
11.  Charismatic
12.  Decisive
13.  Hard-working
14.  Resilient
15.  Commitment (committed)
16.  Risk-taker
17.  Street-smart
18.  Passionate
19.  Driven
20.  Creative

Don’t be shy. No need to be proud. Remember, it’s your self-assessment. If you find yourself with several 1’s & 2’s commend yourself for your brutal honesty. You will be happy to know that all (but a few) can be learned & improved on. Hit me up, I’ll help. It’s what I do as a sales coach. Go for the Gold!

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Dave Tear

Dave is passionate about selling & helping others understand the sales process. Whether a client company has a 5 person sales team or a 300 person National sales force, Dave can Coach & Train them to be the best in their industry.
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