We’ve all been there. Glued to the TV. It’s 4th down with .03 seconds to play in the 4th quarter. Your favorite team is down by 4 or 5 points & has the ball on their own 35-yard line. Time for one more play. Yes, a pass. The HAIL MARY.
Sometimes it works. Sometimes, not. When it does . . . one of the coolest feelings you’ll ever get in sports!
Ready for the correlation? You’ve qualified a sales opportunity. Developed a great solution. Provided the quote. Followed up. Followed up, again. And again. And again. The next time you’re about to follow up you get that feeling in your stomach. You know the feeling. In the pit of your stomach, you feel queasy.
Thinking to yourself, “I’m making a fool of myself.” Or “I feel like a stalker?” Or, more likely, “I am a valuable member of society, with a college degree – why am I doing this?” You follow up yet again (phone or email).
There is not one person reading this that does not know that feeling. One of the worst feelings in sales.
We’ve got you covered. Let’s get to reality quickly.
When you feel like you are being “ghosted” in sales – that’s the time. No reply to your follow-up email(s). Crickets on your voicemail messages. We suggest you give it ONE LAST SHOT. Our version of the HAIL MARY pass. It’s not to be used the day after you “expect” a decision. Too soon. It’s best suited when you get that feeling in your gut – the “stalker feeling.” Your ego is diminishing by the moment. Often this happens after several follow-ups (i.e.: 3 phone calls & 3 emails over a few weeks).
There are 2 versions of One Last Shot: Voicemail & email
One Last Shot: Voicemail Message (to be used over voicemail only – NOT EMAIL)
Hi John, Dave Tear here with ABC Company. I’ve been reviewing some files & came to yours. It reminded me that we have been talking about your Binford 5000 project for the last several weeks. Haven’t heard from you. Last we talked we agreed to have a decision by December 15th. It’s the 16thth of January, so I am going to assume you went in another direction or your priorities have changed.
If I have mis-read this in any way, let me apologize. How about this? If I don’t hear from you by close of business Friday (1/19) I’ll go ahead & close the file. Don’t want to keep wasting your time. Thanks, Dave Tear 2 4 8 – 5 1 4 – 4 2 8 2.
If you have ever tried anything like this, then you know one of 3 things will happen when your voicemail message is received – & they all are good. They all get you to reality.
- They call you right back & say, “Don’t close the file. I was busy or something else came up.”
- They call or email back & say, “Don’t close the file – it’s been pushed out to next month or next quarter.”
- They never call or email back – because they were never going to. No deal. It’s a NO.
One Last Shot: 4 email Templates (to be used over email only – NOT VOICEMAIL)
1. We’re Here to Help
Hi Jane,
Haven’t heard from you in a while. We last spoke about your difficulties with (PAIN) & (PAIN) & how (our solution) could help you & ABC Company.
Are you still interested? If not, please let me know so I can stop reaching out.
2. Put the Ball in Their Court
Hi Paul,
Apologies if my level of persistence has become annoying. Are you still interested in talking about your (PAIN, specifically in areas of X & Y? If not, please let me know so I can stop reaching out.
3. Take the Ball Back into Your Court
Hi Linda,
I haven’t heard back from you, so I’m assuming you’ve gone in a different direction, or your priorities have changed. Let me know if we can help in the future.
4. A Little Marketing Before Breaking Up
There is nothing wrong with giving them a nugget or two (this is not Dumping). You can offer information, industry related news & anything that helps your cause (but does NOT completely solve their problem).
Hi Prospect,
I’ve reached out a few times to see if it makes sense to move forward with (solution to PAIN). Since I haven’t heard back, I’ll assume the timing isn’t right. In the meantime, here are some resources that serve as a starting point for professionals dealing with (business challenge or PAIN point).
- Resource 1: An article, blog, white paper, or case study from your company
- Resource 2: A link to information on your website
- Resource 3: An industry related article, blog, etc.
If, in the future, it ever makes sense to reconnect, you can find me at (insert phone # or insert email). I’m always here to help.
All we’re trying to do here is get to reality quickly & move on. Sometimes people need “permission” to tell you NO.