Chalk Talk

Where Sales Teams Turn for Better Sales Tactics

Welcome to "Chalk Talk," Dave's blog geared towards helping your sales team close more sales with better prospects. Want Chalk Talk in your inbox? Sign up below!

Do You Quote & Hope?

By Dave Tear | September 8, 2014

Ever get the feeling that the work you do (quotes, proposals, presentations, etc.) is a giant lesson in futility and a big waste of time? You think to yourself, “Why am I doing this, we aren’t going to get this business anyway?” This would be one of those times when you should trust your gut. […]

Fight to Get to Decision Makers

By Dave Tear | August 25, 2014

Do yourself a favor; never, ever ask a prospect in sales this question: “Are you the decision maker?” Huh? Every sales book you have ever read tells you that you must be in front of decision makers in sales. True, but the way you ask is crucial. It takes a bit of style and grace. […]

Where Will Your Next New Customer Come From?

By Dave Tear | August 11, 2014

If you’ve been in sales for longer than a week or two there is a good chance you relate to the hardest part of this profession: finding new business. If you are not an Account Manager (on one or a few accounts) or in a retail sales position (where business comes to you) you have […]

The New P. D. C. (not Parts Distribution Center)

By Dave Tear | July 28, 2014

Most of us know PDC as Parts Distribution center. A common acronym in quite a few industries. Makes sense. But we have a new one for you: PASSION DESIRE COMMITMENT These are 3 must-have ingredients for superstar salespeople. Ever wonder why Ben (the technical whiz) has a hard time hitting his numbers ever month?  Why […]

If you Say You’re Gonna do it, do it!

By Dave Tear | July 14, 2014

If I had a nickel for every time someone said to me, “My salesperson never got back to me”, or “The salesperson’s follow up was terrible”, or “I can’t find or get in touch with my salesperson”, I’d have a stack up to the ceiling.  It’s pretty sad. Follow me on this one: You’ve got […]

Uncovering Budgets: Having the Money Conversation

By Dave Tear | June 30, 2014

If you have been in sales for longer than a week you have been told,”You have to uncover their budget.” Your director or manager has asked, “How much money are they willing to spend?” “What’s the budget?” “What’s their target price?” “How much money do they have?”  Been there? Of course you have. Question is: […]

Take the Summer Off? You’re not Hockey Players

By Dave Tear | June 5, 2014

How many salespeople in your office say, “I can’t get in touch with her… she’s probably on vacation.” Or “I’ll wait a few days & call him… it’s Friday & he’s probably not in.” Or one of my favorites, “It’s July… the auto industry is shut down this whole month. You know you’ve heard these […]

Referral Business: Easiest to Win – Hardest to Ask For

By Dave Tear | June 3, 2014

Do this: List your 3 favorite clients or customers. Now list the number of referrals that you have gotten from these 3 in the last 12 months. Surprised at such a low number?  It’s not uncommon at all. Why do salespeople fail to get more referrals from their clients & customers? 3 words: They Don’t […]

Closing Problem? Doubt it. Look at Your Opening

By Dave Tear | May 20, 2014

As a sales coach you can imagine the number of times I have heard a VP of Sales say to me “We need help closing more business.” Or a Director of Sales ask, “Can you help us with our closing?”  It’s common. After spending a few minutes with these people it’s clear that they don’t […]

Don’t Want to Upset a Prospect? Join the Peace Corps.

By Dave Tear | April 14, 2014

“Don’t Want to Upset a Prospect?  Join the Peace Corps.” Our job in sales is to find problems. Our products & service solve them. We need to find them. Last time I checked finding problems requires us to ask questions. Most salespeople ask the basic questions – the questions that need to be asked (technically). […]